
How can a foreigner without the Pole’s Card set up a one-person business in Poland?

Poland is an attractive country for foreigners, mainly Ukrainians and Belarusians, who want to start a business in Europe. This is due to its geographical location, well-developed infrastructure, availability of resources and skilled workforce. Moreover, Poland is a member of the European Union and has a stable economy, which makes it an attractive location for investment.

However, the process of registering a company in Poland can be complicated and requires knowledge of local regulations and, most importantly, the Polish language. To simplify the process, you can turn to experienced professionals who can help with the legal registration of companies and sole proprietorships, as well as the selection of premises to rent, registration of vehicles for the company, registration of licenses, etc. All these services are provided by only one company – M&M Biuro, which is located in the very heart of Warsaw and is ready to help young entrepreneurs with all formalities.

What types of companies are most commonly chosen by foreigners in Poland?

There are several types of companies that can be registered in Poland. One of the most popular types is Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (Sp. z o.o.), which means a limited liability company. This is a type of company that has limited liability for the owners, meaning that they are not personally liable for the company’s debts. However, a minimum capital of PLN 5,000 (approximately EUR 1,200) is required to register a limited liability company.

Another type of company that can be registered in Poland is a sole proprietorship (JDG). This is a type of company that can be registered by one person and does not require a minimum capital. However, the owner has no limited liability and is personally liable for the company’s debts.

How to open a sole proprietorship for Ukrainians without a Pole’s Card?

Until March 2022, only foreigners with one of the following documents could register such a business: a residence card, a Pole Card or a residence card.

However, due to the large influx of refugees from Ukraine, Poland has decided to relax the rules for talented entrepreneurs, who are now entitled to open their own business on Polish territory with a minimum package of documents at hand.

To open a sole proprietorship, Ukrainians can now:

-cross the border after 24 February 2022.

-have a PESEL with UKR status

And that’s it! It is also not necessary to pay initial capital to open IE in Poland. And it’s even easier if you do it all through M&M Office in Warsaw, where all the formalities will be handled by real professionals. We work quickly and thoroughly, we have a lot of experience and we will help you open your own company in Poland!

How does setting up a company in Poland work?

There are several steps to register a company in Poland.

1.Choose the type of company and register it in the National Court Register.

2.Register at the tax office and obtain a NIP (Tax Identification Number) and REGON (National Economy Register) number.

3.Registration with the ZUS (Social Insurance Institution), which is responsible for social insurance.

In addition to the registration of the company, it is also necessary to obtain a licence for certain activities and to correctly select the category of activity.

Need it be said that all the above-mentioned institutions are a dark forest in which an untrained person can easily get lost? Unfortunately, there is still a lot of bureaucracy in Poland and if you miss one document or bring the wrong one, you risk being rejected. We recommend that you contact us as we have been through this procedure many times and know the pitfalls you may encounter.



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How to buy property in Poland for a foreigner?

To begin with, let’s find out why everyone wants to buy a property in Poland. And there are several reasons. Firstly, real estate prices in Poland are more affordable than in many other European countries. Secondly, the high rental yield allows you to get a stable income from real estate investments. In addition, Poland is a member of the European Union, which provides stability and reliability in the economy. Finally, Poland has a convenient geographical location and a well-developed infrastructure, which makes it attractive for living.

All these factors are very attractive for foreigners who want to own real estate here. That is why our M&M Biuro office is located in the centre of Warsaw. We help with real estate, business, legalization of foreigners in Poland and much more.

What do I need to buy property in Poland for a foreigner?

1.Contact M&M Biuro, we will take care of all paperwork.

We do all paperwork related to buying property in Poland. We are a company designed to help you make a quick, clean and profitable purchase with as little personal involvement as possible. We work on the Polish market for years, so we know exactly how to do things right.

2. Determine your budget

Before you start looking for real estate in Poland, you need to determine your budget. You need to know how much you can spend on the purchase and how much you can afford each month for property maintenance and upkeep.

3.Find the right property

There are many websites where you can find apartments and houses in Poland. Some of them are: otodom.pl, gratka.pl, domiporta.pl, morizon.pl. You can use these sites to find the right property. Select the city, region and type of property you want and you will get lots of options to suit all tastes.

4. Check the legal clearance of the property

You can’t skip this point to avoid running into serious trouble. Before you buy a property in Poland you should check its legal clearance. Make sure the property has no tax or utility payment arrears, and that it is not the subject of litigation.

5. Draw up a contract of sale

If you have found a suitable property and checked its legal clearance, the next step is to draw up a contract of sale. It must be in Polish and contain all the necessary details of the deal. Especially in this point consult a professional, because buying an apartment from a Pole and not carefully read the contract, you can sign something that will create a lot of problems.

6. Register the transaction at the real estate registry

Once the sale agreement is signed, you need to register the transaction at the real estate registry. This will provide legal protection for your property.

7. You need to get a permit for the purchase of a plot of land, regardless of the status of the person, whether he is a foreigner or a Pole

In this case, the buyer must obtain permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Poland (Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji).

In conclusion, buying property in Poland for a foreign investor can be quite a complicated procedure, but with the right approach it can be a profitable and promising investment. Follow our advice and you can buy property in Poland without problems:)


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5 difficulties you may encounter while applying for a residence card in Poland

Poland is one of the most attractive countries to move to and obtain a residence card in Europe. It has now become the new home for many refugees from Ukraine, Belarus and other countries from which people are forced to leave. Poland offers many opportunities to live and do business, as well as affordable real estate.

Absolutely every foreigner will sooner or later face the question of legalizing their stay. However, although there are clear lists of documents and deadlines, there may be some difficulties in obtaining a residence card that you should be aware of.

Of course, these difficulties do not apply to you if you plan to choose M&M Biuro as your guide in legalizing your stay in Poland. We have been applying for residence cards, permanent migrant cards and other documents authorizing residence in Poland for many years. During this time we have found the best and fastest way to obtain legal documents.

What are the difficulties in obtaining a residence card in Poland?

1  Need to have documents

In order to obtain a visitor’s card in Poland, you must have a certain set of documents. These may include your passport, proof of funds, health insurance and other important documents. Make sure all documents are in order, as even the smallest mistake can result in your application being rejected.

2 Incorrectly completed application form

You can be rejected if you make a mistake when applying for a residence permit. Even if you make a mistake in the “Signature” field and sign instead of writing your name in Roman letters. These are small things you may not think about, but the true professionals at M&M Office are fully aware of all the nuances.

3 Limitations on the number of residence cards issued

In Poland, there is a limit on the number of guest cards you can hold per year. For this reason, people often encounter delays or complete rejection of their application. It is therefore advisable to apply for a Residence Card as early as possible.

4 Difficulties in obtaining a guest card for certain categories of people

Certain categories of people may find it difficult to obtain a visitor’s card. For example, they may be citizens of certain countries that have complicated relations with Poland, or people who have problems with the law in their home country. These are complicated cases and submitting the documents without professional assistance can sometimes cause many problems.

5 Duration of the process of obtaining a residence card

The process of obtaining a visitor’s card can take anywhere from a few months to a year. This can be a real problem because without a Residence Card you can leave Poland but not enter. It can also make it more difficult to get a job, study, etc. Therefore, this factor should be taken into account when planning your application.


Obtaining a residence card in Poland can be a complicated and time-consuming process that requires careful preparation and consideration of all possible difficulties. However, this should not discourage you from moving to this beautiful country, which offers many life and business opportunities. The most important thing is to contact a trusted and reliable company, M&M Office, who will solve all the issues for you.

Need advice on your visitor card? Contact us by phone!

+48 735 460 057

+48 532 317 831

(All communicators)


General power of attorney in Poland. How and where to do it?

Everyone has their own plans for life abroad. There are those who want to stay permanently, so they sell their property in their home country, there are those who need to bring a car to Poland. To open or close a business. Then there are those who need to send a child abroad without their parents. Or arrange documents for legal residence through a company.

What do these cases have in common?

For each of them, a general power of attorney is needed.

What is a general power of attorney in Poland?

A general power of attorney is an important document that allows you to authorize another person to handle your affairs. The term means the same as in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Why do I need a power of attorney?

The most common reasons for issuing a power of attorney are:

-Legalisation (you are entrusting your business to a professional so that you do not have to go to the ogenda in person and the company takes care of all matters itself);

-Meldunek (registration in Poland);

-Opening and running a business;

-Crossing the border by a child without a parent;

-Resolving property issues (buying or selling property abroad);

There are also general and special powers of attorney. The difference is that the former authorizes all acts relating to the subject matter of the power of attorney, while the latter authorizes specific acts.

What documents do I need for a general power of attorney in Poland?

To obtain a general power of attorney in Poland, you will need the following documents:

– Passport or other identity document;

– Documents confirming the ownership of the property, if necessary;

– Documents confirming the legal title to the power of attorney (e.g. birth certificate or marriage certificate);

– Power of attorney, if needed

Where can I apply for a power of attorney in Poland?

A power of attorney in Poland can be obtained through the M&M Office. We have all the authority to do so, we do it quickly and correctly according to the law. If you need advisory services, you can contact us with any questions.

Period of validity of the general power of attorney

The period of validity of a general power of attorney may be specified by the applicant and may be indefinite or temporary. However, if no term is specified, the power of attorney is valid for one year.


The granting of a general power of attorney in Poland may be necessary in different situations and may be different for each case. It is important to think through all the details of the procedure and only deal with reliable and trustworthy professionals to avoid possible problems in the future.

Need to issue a general power of attorney in Poland?

Contact us!

+48 735 460 057

+48 532 317 831

(All communicators)


How can a refugee from Ukraine obtain refugee status in Poland in 2023? Key information and principles

It is the second year of the war in Ukraine and the second year that refugees are in limbo under Polish law. The special law on assistance to Ukrainians in Poland was recently amended to regulate the issue of obtaining a residence card for refugees from Ukraine. Polish officials explain that according to these changes, any Ukrainian who arrives after 24.02.2022 can obtain a residence card in Poland.

Our M&M Office team also helps Ukrainians with UKR PESEL status to obtain a Residence Card. All you need to do is call one of our contact numbers:

+48 735 460 057

+48 532 317 831 (all communicators) and we will consider the best way to legalize your stay in Poland.


It is now possible to apply for a residence card online! All you need to do is to use the Module of Case Service (MOS), which is available in 7 languages, including Ukrainian.

Just follow 3 steps:

-Go to mos.cudzoziemcy.gov.pl/ua
-complete the online form and submit it.
-print the form, sign it and submit it during a personal visit to the Provincial Office.


Additional features of the MOS include the possibility to check whether the applicant has the right to stay in Poland, to obtain information on the procedures for entry, exit and stay of foreigners in Poland, as well as information on errors that may occur when submitting documents.

In addition, the MOS provides access to procedural checklists to ensure that our actions are correct when submitting an application. There are also plans to make the application form available online in the future.


From 1 April 2023, refugees from Ukraine can already apply for a residence card on the basis of:

-official employment

-conducting official economic activity

-possession of a blue card

However, for those refugees who are not employed or do not wish to obtain a Residence Card, the extension of temporary protection will allow them to remain in the territory of Poland. The possibility to apply for a residence permit is optional.

Following the European Commission’s decision to extend temporary protection, there is a good chance that the temporary protection, which expires on 24 August, will be extended until at least 4 March 2024.


In our opinion, obtaining a residence card for refugees from Ukraine is a very good solution and a basis for further legalization of their stay in Poland. Unfortunately, the geopolitical situation is still very unstable and no one can predict when Ukrainian refugees will be able to return home. For the time being, obtaining a Residence Card is optional, but it is possible that a law will come into force obliging all refugees to obtain a residence permit in Poland.

Need advice on your situation?

Contact us on one of our numbers:

+48 735 460 057

+48 532 317 831


Business card: everything about the most important

If you are interested in this article, it means that you are about to live, study or work in Poland. But do you know how to make your stay completely legal in a short time? It is with these questions that M&M Biuro is ready to help you. We provide assistance to foreigners in Poland and have a wide range of services for both individuals and businesses!

You can contact us by phone +48 735 460 057, but for now let’s look at the subject of residence cards!

What is a card?

A residence card is a document that allows a foreigner to legally stay, work or study in Poland for a certain period of time. In simple terms, it is a residence permit or a permanent residence permit – a temporary residence permit or a permanent residence permit in Poland. This card is issued by a public authority – the Provincial Office for Foreigners.

With this document, together with a foreign passport, a foreigner may repeatedly cross the borders of Poland and all of Europe without the need to obtain a visa.

How to obtain a residence card?

Ukrainians, Belarusians and citizens of other CIS countries and not only can obtain a residence card. The basis for obtaining a residence card in Poland may be:

Work (permanent and seasonal)


Business (own company, individual entrepreneurship)

Family reunification (if the spouse/child/parent has a residence permit or citizenship)

Diploma from a Polish university

Blue Card (document issued to a foreigner performing a highly qualified profession)

Other (religion, voluntary work, etc.)

If at least one point suits you, you can quickly and legally issue a residence card for further stay in Poland.

What documents do you need for a residence card?

Application for a residence card.

A copy of your foreign passport.

Lease agreement for a flat.

A statement about the availability of means of subsistence and proof of the origin of these means (for example salary, pension, rental income, etc.).

Two passport-sized colour photographs.

Compulsory health insurance for the duration of the residence card.

PESEL number (if available).

Proof of payment of stamp duty.

For each reason, different documents may be required to obtain a residence card, but there is nothing to worry about as our specialists will help you with all the documents from A to Z.

Deadlines for obtaining a residence card

The conditions for issuing a residence card in Poland may vary depending on the type of application and local conditions. The usual deadline for processing an application for a residence card is 45 days from the date of application. However, in some cases this period may be extended up to 6 months. Therefore, it is better to plan in advance to obtain a residence card and apply as soon as possible, so that you do not get into a difficult situation and remain without status in Poland.

What is the difference between a residence card and a provincial invitation?

A residence card and a provincial invitation are two different documents that serve different purposes.

A residence card is issued to a foreigner who plans a longer stay in Poland. The residence card allows the holder to officially stay in Poland for a long period of time and to access various services, such as work, education, medical care, etc.

A provincial invitation, on the other hand, is issued to a foreigner who plans to come to Poland for a short period of time for a specific purpose, such as work, tourism, business meetings, visiting relatives, etc.

Thus, it can be said that a residence card and a provincial invitation are different documents that serve different purposes and have different requirements for obtaining them.

For a specific consultation on your case, just contact our manager on +48 735 460 057 and together we will choose the best and fastest legalization scheme in Poland for you!